Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Concrete Group

Louis Mair, June 2011, displayed on Union Terrace Gardens
Sir Concrete Jungle hereby proclaims and decrees that a competition will be held to determine the most profitable way to create a desert in that part of His domains known, in the vulgar tongue, as Union Terrace Gardens. Commoners wishing to enter the aforesaid competition should write their name and the location of their hovel on a £50 note and give it to one of His Coonsillors.
A big bonus is offered for the right scheme.
Sir Concrete

The Big Bonus Society

The old-school-tie it decorates
The flabby necks of deep ingrates.
Gangsters lie and Bankers steal
Their ugly world is not for real.
Class-Z drugs and mortgage debts
Snare the peons in their nets.
Resist the call of siren-scum!
A better day must surely come.

© Louis Mair
April 2011

The Long Goodbye

Piur Wendy’s been McLeished; or is it just another smokescreen? Wee Njoka is still selling devolunion in Malawi. The Former Socialist Show has topped all the ratings; much more entertaining than all that boring old political stuff they used to have.
Goon Broon can’t hold on in the Wastemonster House forever. Will he come hame tae Glebe Street or jet off to Hollywood?
Louis Mair
Published on Aberdeen-music.com
December 2007